Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 4 Remembered

Sitting now at gate 14, National Airport, waiting for my flight home. Directly in my window view is the US Capitol, gleaming against dark, storm-threatening skies. Yesterday at this time, I was coastng past its steps on my bicycle, near our 4-day cycling journey's end.
We began our final day donning jackets as we boarded the Captain Buddy and jetted across the Chesapeake Bay where bikes awaited, along with a drenching rain.
Temps had cooled 30 degrees from Day 3 and not a soul complained as we pedaled to Upper Marlboro for lunch. Afterward, rain was replaced by a constant breeze drying out layers as we put them away for another rainy day.
A new bike bridge trail offered a new, far more scenic route into DC this year. Sadly, rain knocked out my phone, and my camera didn't make it past Day 2, so I'll rely on fellow riders and crew to add pics at a later date. Trust me, the Woodrow Wilson bridge bicycle view joins my short list of spectacular city bridge entrances - the Golden Gate, the GW, the I-90. We completed the day's 60 miles with a spin past the monuments before heading to the finish line, rooftop party at the Post Massachusetts, greeted by family friends and several riders from year's past.
Thank you speeches were made, but held a different tone. Dr. Wu couldn't hide the excitement in wanting to reach his finish line goal of ending AIDS, especially for the benefit of his new ride family who he's witnessed for 3 years now, giving their all to prove the first 330miles are only the start of this journey of hope.

1 comment:

Pinkim said...

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Pinkim from Truly Simpy Pink