Ignore the headlines. Turn off the news and read the first Annual Letter from Bill Gates on the work of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Allow it to rekindle your faith that while business will always be business, it’s what we do with the resources we’ve been fortunate enough to acquire that counts.“I am impressed by individuals who continue to give generously even in these difficult times. I believe that the wealthy have a responsibility to invest in addressing inequity. This is especially true when the constraints on others are so great. Otherwise, we will come out of the economic downturn in a world that is even more unequal, with greater inequities in health and education, and fewer opportunities for people to improve their lives. There is no reason to accept that, when we know how to make huge gains over the long term." -Bill Gates
Donate today to make AIDS history
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Fiscal Responsibility
Monday, January 26, 2009
Lessons in Attitude
In hindsight, it was fitting to begin my Inauguration journey with a long-awaited visit with the oldest and wisest woman in my gene pool. My great-aunt Ida Mae will proudly tell you she’ll be 97 years old next month and “never has a pain”. I’ve long admired Idie’s spirit so it was no surprise to hear the answer she shares when asked the secret to her longevity - attitude.
Directly from that visit I landed at
Idie’s wisdom was palpable in the crowd that would grow to millions and endure harsh conditions, yet the sense of euphoria did not fail. Inauguration Day in
This same attitude keeps me pedaling hours into a mountainous climb, keeps a lab scientist enthusiastic to try a new hypothesis after the last failure, causes you to give despite hard times, brings hope to a person with HIV and peace to one with AIDS. Whether we invoke a higher power, friend or family member for help, attitude is sometimes all we have the power to control and oh what power it has when called into action!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
History Witnessed - Our 44th President
Temps never rose above 31degrees and feeble attempts to march along with the Marine Band wouldn't budge our feet from numb. The crowd, however, remained diligent and grew more resilient as we spotted the motorcade arriving just to the right of our TV view.
Cheers rose from the crowd as dignitaries arrived on the scene - specifically cheering the Democrats and reserving a downright "boo" for only a few. As then-current President Bush was introduced, someone in our section began the chant, "nah, nah,nah, nah, hey, hey, goodbye" it picked up and wrapped around the entire section, ending only as it became clear the star of the show would come next. The music stopped and it became incredibly quiet amid more than 1million people.
Sound emitting from the speakers is slightly delayed as it travels the length of the Mall to the Lincoln Memorial so as Barack Obama took the oath of office, cheers could be heard blasting in echoing waves behind us for at least 30seconds. Tears of joy poured down the faces of many around me as we stood mesmerized by President Obama's call to "pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and remake America".
Advance warning was given to choose in advance whether attending the Inauguration OR the parade as the crowd couldn't be accomodated moving from one to the other. Clearly that was the case as the mob made its way to the nearest Metro stop as a helicoptor flew the Bush family overhead and out of town. I later heard more than 866,000 people - new record expected - jammed Metro today. We walked about 3miles to reach a less crowded stop, finally reaching Dupont Circle at 2:30 for our first meal of the day since that half cup of coffee and yogurt at 5am.
Over Thai food, Marty, Barry and I sat, exhausted but in awe of the piece of history we'd just witnessed and exhilirated by the promise of a unified drive toward a brighter future.
Postscript: I'm watching the parade now, on TV, with a hot cup of tea, feet up with my generous hosts, Tim & Patrick. Funny thing is, my foot warmers only now got good and hot!
Barrier Broken
Ready, Set...
The 2nd pic is the view behind at the crowd filling the Mall
The Line-Up
Monday, January 19, 2009
Look Who Showed Up at the Party
Do I Feel Lucky?
Across the hall, Marty spied some great cookies and asked WV Rep. Alan Mollohan to step aside so she could snap this pic. He gave her a cookie!
Weather is bearable. Atmoshere is electric!
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Taking My "Front Row" Seat in History
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Mightily Blessed
There are still times I pine for the comfort of sameness but on nights like this one, when that inbred sense of adventure turns a long business trip into a memorable night with good friends in far away places, I know the greater blessing is in taking the road less travelled and can only wish Bret was around to share it.
Friday, January 9, 2009
The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow
Donning cold weather gear, I rode out for the valley's edge in the frosty air, passing high-schoolers waiting for the (2-hr delayed) bus, a month’s worth of missed recyclables piled high for pick-up and dirty remnants of last week’s melting mess. My Three Rivers Ride was expectedly cut short at the Springhetti Rd overlook into the valley. Note the difference between the springtime view and today’s waterway.
Two men in parked DOT trucks stood watch over the road, smartly suggesting I might not want to drop down into Snohomish today.
Expanding water holes and greens strewn with downed pine branches hadn’t swayed the steadfast Friday Kenwanda golfers and I wasn’t the only one out for a picture of Mother Nature’s latest gift.
Pausing on the valley rim, a Carhartt clad man stepped out of his Ford with a camera stating he needed a shot to compare to one taken in 1995 when he lived much closer to the river. He stood for a moment, having snapped his shot, and gazed wistfully down the waterlogged Snohomish River Valley. “I lost 105 horses that year” he said, “Now I live on a hill.”
Today marks 4 weeks, the longest stretch in nearly 4 years that I’ve been home without traveling on business or otherwise. In that time, Western Washington has endured a deep freeze and record-breaking snows followed by isolating floods. My next flight is Monday. The forecast calls for sun.
More pics from Flood Ride 2009