Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Year That Was

If you've caught even a single 60 second montage of the year that was, you, like many, are likely prone to say good-bye and good riddance to 2008 and I couldn't agree more. This year had more than a fair share of natural disasters, acts of war, loss of trust in one elected official after another, discrimination on the rise and economic chaos the likes of which most have never experienced, but I am not afraid.

In hindsight, the "Yes, we can" mantra used to market our new President-elect had a prophetic purpose for I find myself emboldened and ready to not only make 2009 better but to use the 2008 downturn as a springboard to a so-much-brighter tomorrow.

OK, that sounded so like a campaign speech that I stopped short of saying "for us and our children" even if it's true. This summer my oldest graduated from college with over $20,000 in student loan debt (double if you count his parent loans). My daughter left school to work full-time and is learning just how livable minimum wage can be but despite $4/gallon gas prices and long job searches, they've taken away lessons that will serve them better in life than had 2008 been a bit more status quo. Let's face it! So have their parents.

As 2008 comes to an end, I've reworked the budget, updated my resume, found the fun in business travel, returned to home-cooking and am ready to put faith and hope into positive action for making 2009 the best it can be.

Happy New Year!

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