Monday, October 13, 2008

Turn, Turn, Turn

My teenage idealism was turned on its head many years ago when cancer invaded the lives of a young family who’d become closely entwined with ours. The young couple had a toddler daughter and infant son when cancer took Mark’s life. I remember taking comfort in their song choice for the service. In the decades since, that song comes immediately to mind whenever I feel time or circumstances – happy or sad - spinning out of control.
In the past 24 hours I showered a bride who was in my 1st grade Sunday school class, celebrated my baby’s 21st birthday and learned of three untimely deaths affecting friends and family members. Turn, turn, turn…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there!!

You are sounding a little blue, so consider this a hug from me!!
Hey I feel bad tell Caitlin Happy Birthday. I cannot believe our babies are/would have been 21. Doesn't seem possible! We are going to Salem this weekend so I can have a "Stacey Day" with her for her birthday, 25th! 25 on the 25th!!! She has a work conference on the weekend of her birthday so I am letting her go shopping, with in reason! Nothing new here, just preparing for winter!!
Take care my friend and know you are always in my heart!!
Have a great day!