Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Pack the Bike and Carry On!

It's my habit to register for a ride by World AIDS Day on December 1, as a show of my commitment to bring an end to the AIDS pandemic. Soon after, you hear from me fairly often with the latest research news advancing that shared goal and multiple requests for your own ongoing support. 2024 rolled out a little differently this year, throwing me into what I can best describe as a state of suspended animation. I'm told it's normal when a parent dies, let alone both parents within weeks of each other. I'm doing my best not to rush the process and remain grateful for all the grace bestowed on me along the way. Now the calendar has rolled on, airline and ride posts have started their countdown. It's time to pack the bike and carry on! The heavenly throng of witnesses has grown and far too many arrived there too soon. Let's move forward together, doing our part to remind our family, friends and neighbors that AIDS is not through with us yet, that HIV may be slowed but isn't going anywhere fast enough; that we are still on a mission to make AIDS history!

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