Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Bicycles, 45, lined up against the wind, rolling over 4 states, carried by ferry & bus, winding past National Monuments, moving us along.

Inclusive. Men & women. Young & not so young. HIV positive & negative. Crew & cyclists. Mothers, sons, fathers, daughters, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives, friends. Gay & straight. Scientists, office workers, students, doctors, laborers, engineers, artists, job seekers. Riding for one & riding for all.

Needing to unravel the mystery to defeat HIV.

Giving every ounce of strength, time and energy.
Open hearts, open minds, opening your pocketbooks.

! To win a victory over HIV and end AIDS.

The winning combination that was the NYCDC AIDS Research Ride,
four days in September, 2009.
Click for photo album, in progress

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Loved the photo album! I can see Tammie hasn't changed, always in front of the camera!!! Just kidding Tammie!! Looks like a good time was had by all. Tracy I loved you Red dress!!!
Take care!
Love ya!