Saturday, November 30, 2019

Red Ribbon of Hope

It happens every several years and when it does is usually most needed. Tomorrow is World AIDS Day. For Christians around the world, it is also the first Sunday of Advent, starting a period of growing darkness and hopeful anticipation of the birth of Jesus Christ, bringing light to our dark places, love to overcome our fears and peace to a weary world.

I've mentioned before that Bret wasn't a fan of the red ribbon. To him, it was akin to a scarlet letter putting the shame and stigma of HIV/AIDS on a pedestal. It could be like that then, 25 years ago when fear and lack of information caused teenage hemophiliacs, successful business men, African virgins and suburban housewives, newborn babies, young people finding their way and yes, some who had gone astray were made to feel they deserved the terminal diagnosis of HIV/AIDS. Exacerbated by fear, most were deemed unworthy of love and denied care. Then hope stepped in and hope refused to quit.

What began with an angry, scared and tenacious gay community, joined by brave healthcare professionals and curious scientists, the challenge to name and treat the true culprit grew momentum and made slow, steady progress. Hope was present at the start and has never let go of this battered ribbon of red. Wearing it today is a reminder of the darkness through which we have come thanks to their persistence and announces to the world that we honor the sacrifices of the past and also advocate for the next breakthrough to eradicate the darkness and bring an end to the scourge of AIDS on our world.

This December 1, when World AIDS Day and the season of Advent collide, may that hopeful spark in your heart ignite into energetic action that educates the doubtful, loves unconditionally and acts to bring light to those still in darkness. Then hope wins.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Those Who Serve

Ours is a team rooted in love and dedication to honoring the lives of 3 brothers lost too soon because of HIV/AIDS. In our 20 years together, we’ve come upon many such siblings, in addition to sons, daughters, spouses and friends but Joshua Campbell was the first to refer to us as “sibling survivors”. Joshua became a survivor in 2007 when his brother Jason lost his life in the line of duty with the Greenville NC Police Department. He’s ridden over 1,500 miles in support of families and especially children, whose parents are killed in the line of duty and is equally dedicated to the mission of Action Cycling Atlanta and the AIDS Vaccine 200 beneficiaries. 

In 2018 Joshua chose to dedicate his AV200 ride to the memory of Donald David Fehrenbach, brother of my teammate, Jon. Last weekend Joshua chose to dedicate his AV200 ride to my brother Bret and didn’t let conflicting family obligations slow his plans. In stepped Mary Harding, long term ride buddy, teammate and fellow sibling survivor to carry out Joshua’s plans. Over the course of 2-days and 200 miles, 4 red cuffs engraved with Joshua’s dedication to Bret were passed from scientist to rider to crew to donor and back again. My words cannot come any closer than the looks on their faces as that bracelet came to symbolize the inspiration for why we ride and give, work and serve to end AIDS.  

Bret Granato - Band of Honor relay 2019 AIDS Vaccine 200 Ride

Joshua made it back in time for closing ceremonies
 and to see everyone who participated in his 2019 AV200
Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can                          -John Wesley

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Ride Reason

Prologue: Jersey worn on my Saturday training ride (pic is post-ride, i.e. done!). 

Chapter 1: 25 miles in, I arrived at one of my favorite pit stops where the bench is always shady when you need it, the restroom (flush toilets!) is clean and there's a new water bottle filler (thanks BIKES Club of Snohomish County!).
I parked my bike in the corner slot and greeted the cyclist sitting on the bench. She looked strong perched next to her fast bike and we instantly shared gratitude for shade on this hot, HOT day. 
Conversation naturally moved to what we were doing out here alone. Training, yes. She, for her first STP and me for the AIDS Vaccine 200. She must have glanced at my jersey when she declared "How great about the vaccine!"

My knee-jerk response, "It IS great how far the research has come but we're not there yet. That's why I ride." For all of one second she looked puzzled then quickly apologized. Apologized!! For not being better informed. Within another 10 seconds she was up to speed and that made training in HOT weather for 6 hours on a perfectly good Saturday completely worthwhile.

Postlogue: Mary, Jon and I are entering our third decade of riding for the same reason and we weren't spring chickens when we started. One of our greatest personal challenges is accepting the growing limitations of our cycling bodies and focusing more intently on the primary reasons we register, advocate, ask for your support and show up at the starting line - to raise awareness and funding to fight HIV and end the devastation of AIDS on the world. Your encouragement, prayers, good wishes, knowledge sharing and love make all the difference. You are the wind at our back and the fuel making it happen.