Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Top 10 of ALC10 – Red (Dress) Day

**Post is dedicated to the men and women busy being “all that you can be” who can now also proudly be all that they are in service to their country**

#2 – What’s with all the crazy red outfits?

Every multi-day AIDS ride includes one day reserved for wearing red. Veteran AIDS cyclists likely have an entire red wardrobe from which to make annual selections and are giddy stumbling across just the right article of clothing or accessory throughout the year.

My daughter (in addition to glamorizing the lunch stop) introduced red nail manicures the night before Empire State AIDS Ride Red Days leading to a growing supply of polish shades and the discovery of travel remover wipes.

After his 2008 road crew stint, a red jersey was gifted to me by my son. It became the base of my red Ride wardrobe and enough to take my place in the ribbon of ALC10 red winding through the California hillside while marveling at the creative expression that comes from providing a safe atmosphere for anyone and everyone to be all that they are!

Watch and listen as the two people closest to the source of this tradition offer their version of the story in this video shot amid the spectacle that was the 10th AIDS LifeCycle Red (Dress) Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi!! loved the rest of the story!! the video was great!!
how the heck was your summer? ours was good. my nephew jon and his family have moved to georgia. he made captain in the army and then was chosen to go to special forces school so they had to move. his wife it 8 months pregnant and max their little boy is 2. they are brave. stacey is going to visit them in october to help with the baby. i think that will be good for her. how are your kids and steve? hope all is well with you!! hugs to you always!! lori