Wednesday, May 15, 2024

2024 AIDS Ride Dedication

I’m dedicating my 2024 HIV/AIDS ride to two VIP supporters, Sam Granato and Alma Davis. 

Sam has continually been a quiet yet mighty advocate for social justice, primarily in the field of child welfare. None more important than the welfare of his children – all 7 of them, including me. Dad was the first to know of Bret’s AIDS diagnosis when called to escort him home from a Tokyo hospital without disclosing his condition, thus breaking the law of both countries at the time. Dad and his wife, Sharon, nursed Bret from that initial brush with death and kept the secret that was Bret’s to tell in his time. Supportive of his eldest son to the end and beyond, Dad became and remains a founding member of my ride support team. 

Crew Mama Alma & her daughters
Alma took ride support to the next level when she signed on to crew the inaugural Alaska AIDS Vaccine Ride in 2000. An Alaska resident at the time, she was well-suited to hosting exhausted, hurt and/or freezing cyclists needing a warm motorcoach ride to camp. “Crew Mama Alma” handed out Tootsie Pops, read aloud raunchy Alaskan tales, spread encouragement, and shared her gratitude for 7 days across that state; then she signed up to do it again in 2001! Did I mention she slept in a tent every night right along with the rest of us? A renown quilter, Alma also made 3 different quilts donated to ride fundraisers and established my base of Alaska donors. Alma was always proud of her own 5 children and easily took on as many more as needed a mother’s love. Mom was my biggest fan in all things and #1 contributor on my ride team every single time. 

Mom and Dad had both been in failing health and coincidently passed away within days of each other at the start of this year. Amid the shock, we siblings teased that it was Bret’s turn now; bet he’s surprised! But then, surely all three are delighted to be reunited again. When I see those 3 empty chairs on Day 1 of this year’s AIDS Vaccine Ride route, my mind will be on the people in my life to whom this ride meant the most and our mutual dedication to those whose families should have more time together in this life.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Pack the Bike and Carry On!

It's my habit to register for a ride by World AIDS Day on December 1, as a show of my commitment to bring an end to the AIDS pandemic. Soon after, you hear from me fairly often with the latest research news advancing that shared goal and multiple requests for your own ongoing support. 2024 rolled out a little differently this year, throwing me into what I can best describe as a state of suspended animation. I'm told it's normal when a parent dies, let alone both parents within weeks of each other. I'm doing my best not to rush the process and remain grateful for all the grace bestowed on me along the way. Now the calendar has rolled on, airline and ride posts have started their countdown. It's time to pack the bike and carry on! The heavenly throng of witnesses has grown and far too many arrived there too soon. Let's move forward together, doing our part to remind our family, friends and neighbors that AIDS is not through with us yet, that HIV may be slowed but isn't going anywhere fast enough; that we are still on a mission to make AIDS history!